The Promise Checklist

Løftesjekken (The Promise Checklist) is the only complete list of the Norwegian government’s 776 promises in Sundvoldsærkleringen - the platform the political parties “Høyre” and “Fremskrittspartiet” negotiated after the parliamentary elections in 2017. The checklist was made by the political independent organization Holderdeord.

The magazine aimed to allow people to examine the government’s activities and goal achievements to find out which promises were kept or broken during the period. The magazine also showcases statistics of the findings and the method used to analyze the promises.

It was an interesting design brief I must say, and even with a few typographical design challenges, I made sure to keep my promise to finalize the design to print-readyness by the deadline, despite a few sleepless nights. It’s safe to say, I learned the need to double-check text before designing it on this assignment.

Format: A4 Brochure / 88 pages


Align Magazine


YUPO Swatch Book